Friday, January 21, 2011


So I purchased Insanity right after my New Year's post. It took FOREVER to get here, but it arrived safely yesterday and I am now on Day 2 of my 60 day challenge. For those interested, the reviews are true. IT. IS. INSANE! But it is doable and so far I love it. I'll post my fit test results and my stats shortly, but I'm hoping that this will be what I'm looking for.
It was hard to find information on people who completed Insanity and started out "obese". Most of the youtube videos and before/after pictures on the internet were of people who were already thin. Since I'm 5'9 and 211 pounds I am considered obese and was concerned that I would not be able to do it. Well I did. I completed the fit test and the pylometric cardio circuit. While it's difficult, it's designed to push you at your current level of fitness. If you've got the motivation to continue moving when every muscle in your body tells you to stop, regardless of your weight or current fitness level, it appears that you should see results.

ANYHOO - here are my fit test results
Day 1
Switch kicks 50
power jacks 26
power knees 75
power jumps 10
globe jumps 5
suicide jumps 7
push-up jacks 0
low plank oblique 15

Jan 22: 211.8

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